

Adres: Main Road 1 1
Postcode: 000000
Plaats: Cape Town
Provincie: Western Cape
Land: South Africa
Telefoon: 0000000000


About us
We at GreenPeople believe that we can contribute towards a more sustainable world through organic farming and trading in organic food and commodities and organic consumer brands. We sell only quality certified organic products at a premium quality and preservation of the earth for future generations.

Our mission

The GreenPeople want to contribute to a sustainable world and society.

How do we fulfill this ambition?
As trade internationaly and locally we produce and distribute premium certified organic food and ingredients and raw materials. Organic agriculture is neccessary for a healthy and vivid earth and that’s why artificial fertiliser, chemicals and Genetically Modified Organisms are not being used. In this way, we want to promote worldwide sustainable agriculture.

We hope that you are willing to support our mission and become our valued customer.

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