Royal Ingredients Group BV

Royal Ingredients Group BV

Adres: Noorderstraat 1C
Postcode: 1823 CS
Plaats: Alkmaar
Provincie: Noord-Holland
Land: Nederland
Telefoon: +31-(0)72-5208080
Fax: +31-(0)72-5208862
Contact: Sicco Holman


We are what we eat, and good nutrition is the foundation for good physical and mental health. Our goal is to plant, grow, harvest and sell a quality product to people interested in living a healthier life, and looking for innovative products that will help them achieve their goal.

We grow and harvest our own Chia and Quinoa on our own fields in Bolivia. We comply with FDA regulations, and adhere to all labeling and registration requirements to protect our products from bioterrorism. We process all our seeds under strict quality control under ISO 22000, which allows us to guarantee the quality of the seeds we sell. We also have the best storage facilities, using cold rooms with the latest technology to keep our seeds at optimum temperatures. The quality and safety of the products we supply our customers is guaranteed throughout the year.

We supply both conventional and organic qualities and are fully certified by the international monitoring agencies.

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