

Adres: Piet Heinkade 181A
Postcode: 1019 HC
Plaats: Amsterdam
Provincie: Noord-Holland
Land: Nederland
Telefoon: +31 (0)20 557 9854
Contact: Tessa Wernink


Building a phone to create a fairer economy

Fairphone is a social enterprise working to create a fairer economy and change how things are made. We open up supply chains, solve problems and use transparency to start debate about what's truly fair.

Fairphone started in 2010 as a project of Waag Society, Action Aid and Schrijf-Schrijf to raise awareness about conflict minerals in electronics and the wars that they fuel and fund in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In 2013, we established our independent social enterprise to design and produce our first smartphone and take the next crucial steps in uncovering the story behind the sourcing, production, distribution and recycling of electronics.

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