Louis Bolk Instituut, Stichting

Louis Bolk Instituut, Stichting

Adres: Hoofdstraat 24
Postcode: 3972 LA
Plaats: Driebergen-Rijsenburg
Provincie: Utrecht
Land: Nederland
Telefoon: +31(0)343 523.860


Systems approach to sustainability research
We are an independent international knowledge institute to advance truly sustainable agriculture, nutrition and health, and consider nature as a source of knowledge. With practice-oriented research and advice we have contributed to the healthy humans, animals, plants and soils and their interrelationships, for more than 40 years. Our observations, analyses and actions are based on the idea that processes and entities can only be understood in the context of interrelationships. This systems approach means that, rather than fixing seemingly isolated problems with partial solutions, we look at research questions in their proper context. This enables us to find comprehensive solutions that work in practice.
Firmly rooted in practice
Our principal clients include the Dutch ministry of Economic Affairs, the European Commission, the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development, provincial governments, water boards, nature conservation organisations, foundations, knowledge centres for e.g. Integrative Medicine and businesses, such as Heineken. They value our comprehensive vision of sustainable agriculture, nutrition and health, and our ability to come up with system-level solutions.

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