Andermatt Holland bv

Andermatt Holland bv

Adres: Orlyplein 85
Postcode: 1043DS
Plaats: Amsterdam
Provincie: Noord-Holland
Land: Nederland
Telefoon: 00 00000000


Our goal

Our goal is to replace chemical pesticides with good biological alternatives, such as beneficial insects, microbial control products and traps.

More than 20 years ago, we started our first production of plant protection products based on baculoviruses. In those days, the use of biological control such as the application of baculoviruses against insect pests was thought to be a method only for use in organic production. Today, it has been widely recognized that the use of biological control measures, such as baculoviruses, offers a highly effective tool within IPM programs and alongside conventional agriculture.

The world-wide demand for environmental friendly and residue-free food production is increasing. We will continue in our goal to offer biocontrol products, which represent reasonable and effective alternatives to chemical pesticides.

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