Wwoof United States

Wwoof United States

Adres: Turk Street 1693
Postcode: 94115
Plaats: San Francisco
Provincie: California
Land: United States
Telefoon: 415.621.FARM (3276)
Contact: Ryan Leo Goldsmith


Visitors, or ‘WWOOFers’, spend about half a day helping out on a host farm, learn about the organic movement and sustainable agriculture, and receive room and board during their visit – with no money exchanged between hosts and WWOOFers. WWOOF is an educational and cultural exchange program. WWOOFing is a way to learn practical farming skills, be part of the organic agriculture movement, and experience the heart of American agrarian culture.
The WWOOF-USA® Host Farm Directory lists 2,147 organic farms (not necessarily USDA certified organic) and gardens across the country. Any farm, community or garden project using organic methods that would like to participate in a cultural and educational exchange may join the program.
The program is open to anyone 18 years of age or older, regardless of experience. WWOOF-USA® membership is valid for one year from the day it is purchased. We encourage all types of WWOOFers and hosts who would like to work together to strengthen sustainable agriculture to be a part of WWOOF-USA®.
WWOOF farms offer a variety of educational opportunities, including growing vegetables, keeping bees, building straw bale houses, working with animals, making wine, and much more. With farms in all 50 states, the US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, there is something for everyone.

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