Association Wouol

Association Wouol

Adres: Secteur N1 N1
Postcode: 00000000
Plaats: Beragadougou
Provincie: Cascades Region
Land: Burkina Faso
Telefoon: (00 226) 20 91 80 1
Mobiel: 00226 78035308
Contact: Antoine Sombié


The Wouol Association put in place an agricultural production system that is concerned with environmental issues and the organization respects the social and ethical conditions of the producers. These 2 poles of development allowed the organization to obtain the ECOCERT certificate for the biological aspect of the products and the FLO certificate for the fair trade aspect.
Since 2005, these certificates gave the Association a presence on the biological and fair trade market with products like mangoes and cashew apples, which are their leading products. In the following years, they’ve achieved important progress in terms of certified field surfaces and quantities of exported finished products.

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