Apolliner blog

Apolliner blog

Adres: Triq Sant' Orsla 1
Postcode: 000000
Plaats: Valletta
Provincie: Malta
Land: Malta
Telefoon: 000000000


ApollineR is the blog of a curious artist who has wide-ranging interests.

In the past, I used to collect notebooks to gather quotations, doodles, cut out pictures… I have started this blog to share these images, ideas and words that fill me with enthusiasm.
So you will find on this eclectic blog some articles and illustrations about:

Fashion, as seen on the runways as well as on the streets, between haute couture and slow fashion
Poems, paintings and sculptures I appreciate
Organization and fighting clutter
Some places discovered right near my home or during my trips
ethical consumerism or how to go shopping while having a clear conscience
Crafts and my drawings
Ecology in everyday life
Simple Living because I like to travel light in life

In addition to sharing my favorites and best tips, I also tell and draw my experiences as a Parisian expatriate. After spending 2 years in Canada, now I live in Malta.


Fell free to contact me if you want to reuse an article or commission a drawing, or if you just want to discuss


You can subscribe to the newsletter and thus be notified when there is a new post. You just need to write your e-mail address in the top-right of your screen. You will then receive a confirmation e-mail with a link inside to click.


To date, there is no sponsored content, gifting or affiliate link on this blog. If there is in the future, it will be clearly disclosed.


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