Green island growers

Green island growers

Adres: SAN JUAN ISLAND road 1
Postcode: 000000000
Plaats: Friday Harbor
Provincie: San Juan Island
Land: United States
Telefoon: 0000000


We are a family owned and operated farm, located on beautiful San Juan Island. Our attention to detail, the love we show our plants, and the environment in which they grow, is what has always set us apart. From the first day we started growing, our indoor plants have enjoyed a state-of-the-art sealed indoor facility, and our outdoor plants thrive in the San Juan Island sun, with a cool ocean breeze.

Our entire process is focused around providing our plants with the best cultivation practices because we know a healthy, happy, well-maintained plant produces the best flowers. From hand picking our strains to hand packing our buds, we believe the dedication we put into each of our plants is evident in the quality of our cannabis.

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