Joseph's Organic Bakery

Joseph's Organic Bakery

Adres: West Dixie Highway 18228
Postcode: 33160
Plaats: Miami
Provincie: Florida
Land: United States
Telefoon: 954-541-4062


Joseph's Organic Bakery in Miami was born with the desire to make a difference: our mission is to provide delicious and healthy Organic Stone Ground Bread and Pastries to our customers. We Stone Grind our organic flour daily and bake our bread within 8 hours after grinding for optimal Vitamin & Enzyme content.
Our stone ground breads and desserts are made with 100% natural ingredients, no additives, preservatives, or chemicals.
Our Bakery is Sugar Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, and Non-GMO. We use organic maple syrup as a sweetener. Joseph's Stone Ground Breads are as natural as it gets.

Our Gluten Free Bakery
Our Organic Gluten Free Pastries are made with the highest quality ingredients. They do not contain xanthan gum, psyllium husk, potato starch, artificial colors, or bad oils. Sugar Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free. Sweetened with organic maple syrup. Nutritious & delicious.
We are Miami's Organic Gluten Free Bakery!


Stone Ground Bread?
Stone Grinding grinds the grains at LOW HEAT which preserves all the naturally occurring vitamins and enzymes. This results in a Healthy Nutrient-Rich Bread.
Stone Ground Bread was the original bread consumed for thousands of years before the advent of steel mills in the late 1800's.
Our Stone Ground Bread is made with 100% Organic Stone Ground Flour that we grind in-house daily.
Our Organic Breads are Vegan!
Many of our customers who have not eaten bread for years are eating our bread and loving it!
Come try stone ground bread for yourself at Joseph's Organic Bakery in Miami Florida!

(We are certified Kosher Pas Yisrael by Kosher Miami) Kosher Restaurants Miami

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