MCIA Organic Services

MCIA Organic Services

Adres: West Hendon Avenue 1900
Postcode: 55108
Plaats: Saint Paul
Provincie: Minnesota
Land: United States
Telefoon: 1-855-213-4461


MCIA Organic Services, a service of the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association, is dedicated to providing an efficient, cost-effective, and user friendly organic certification. MCIA is an Accredited Certifying Agent (ACA) authorized by the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) to provide organic certification services that allow you to display the NOP Certified Organic seal on qualified products.

MCIA is a 501(c)(5) not for profit association funded by the fees charged for the services provided.

Since 2002 MCIA Organic Services has been committed to:
Upholding the current federal standards of the National Organic Program (NOP)
Ensuring the organic integrity of the products it certifies
Delivering an efficient, timely and streamlined certification process
Providing service second to none

MCIA follows guidelines established by the National Organic Program (NOP) which ensures all USDA requirements are met. We update our programs and policies as needed to ensure ongoing compliance with NOP regulations.

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